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Why Sockless Loafers and Fungal Foot Infections Go Hand in Hand

athletes-foot3Calling all trendy men: stop wearing your loafers without socks, or you’re at major risk for fungal foot infections! And even if you don’t develop an infection, your feet will start to stink if you wear those trendsetting loafers without socks.

Unfortunately, the look, originally made popular by stars such as Ryan Gosling and Jude Law, came back in style recently. And with its return came a dramatic rise in bad foot odor and cases of athlete’s foot.

Sockless Loafers and Fungal Foot Infections

When fungal foot infections rise, so do the sales of over-the-counter athlete’s foot treatments. And, according to pharmacist Omar El-Gohary, people are also coming to see him for help  minimizing foot odor when wearing shoes without socks. But his answer is clear: you need those socks to keep the stink (and infections) away. Says El-Gohary. “People should use cotton [socks] over nylon, and make sure these are changed daily to avoid a build-up of bacteria.”

Now, while anyone can develop fungal foot infections such as athlete’s foot, you can avoid this embarrassing problem with preventative care or prompt treatment. Our team of podiatrists in Spring and Tomball, TX are here to help with both.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a very contagious form of fungus, which can infect persons usually resulting in itching, burning, dry, and flaking feet. Treatment is often difficult, because of its contagious and reoccurring nature. Tinea pedis is the fungus which causes athletes foot, and is found to survive in moist humid areas.

Common places found:

-shower floors
-public changing areas -locker rooms
-public swimming pools
-socks and shoes
-dormitory style houses

What is Tinea Pedi?

Is the same fungus which causes ringworm, and is known to be spread by direct contact of the infected body part. Or infection can spread by touching other objects and body parts which have been exposed to the fungus. Tinea Pedi is mostly found on the feet, because it is the ideal place for it to thrive on.

Treatment & Prevention

Because of the reoccurring nature of tinea fungus and athlete’s foot, the best way to treat this condition is with prevention. By taking the necessary precautions such as:

-Wear flips-flops or sandals in locker rooms and public showers.
-Use powders t keep your feet dry
-Keep your feet exposed to light and cool air
-treating athletes foot with special creams/sprays


If you have any questions, please contact one of our offices for an immediate appointment.

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