Is It Time to Ditch Your Standing Desk?
For years, we’ve been told that sitting for too long was terrible for our health. It would lead to weight gain, back pain, heart disease and more. As a result, many people decided that getting a standing desk was the best solution. Unfortunately, many who made that decision ended up in our office, seeking care for foot pain. At the time, the benefits still seemed to outweigh the risks of spending long hours on your feet, so we helped these patients reduce the burden on their feet, suggesting anti-fatigue mats and even fitting them for custom orthotics. But now, thanks to a new study, we’ve learned that sanding desks are actually bad for more than just your feet. Here’s what you need to know.
The Trouble with a Standing Desk 
As many of our patients learned, standing all day put lots of pressure on your feet. And that resulted in heel pain, arch pain, swelling and more. Still, those symptoms seemed like small prices to pay for reducing your risk for heart disease. Yet now, a new Australian study proved that using a standing desk does not actually decrease your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. In fact, it could actually compromise your circulation, increasing your risk for varicose veins.
So, if sitting all day is bad for your waistline and standing all day is murder on your feet and veins, how can you stay safe and healthy? The answer seems to lie in the happy middle: look for options such as sit-to-stand desks, since they encourage frequent repositioning, keeping you from sticking with one position for too long. Next, try engaging in more frequent movement. Take little walks–around the room, the office or the block–all throughout your work day. And, when you start to experience foot pain of any kind, don’t ignore the problem, hoping things will get better on their own. Instead,follow this link to request an appointment in our Spring or Tomball podiatry practices. When you come in, we can get you away from that standing desk and find a solution to your foot pain that will help you stay active and healthy.